Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bookworm Weekend

While the kids are away, their Mom ...READS?

Yep, I admit it. Big nerd here! I had both Friday and Saturday night to myself while the girls visited their Dad one night and some friends the next. So, what did I do with my time??? Get that attic cleaned out? Nope! Go to the spa? Work out? Solve World Hunger? nope, nope, no. I read books! Never what I'd thought my answer would be to that questions of "what did you do all weekend?". I realize that I never have the chance to read more than an article in People Magazine at a time. Even online, the Bean and the Bug alwyas "need" me for something, or interrupt to ask questions (no, I don't know where your Webkinz is.... where did you leave your goggles? etc.). I realize how it permeates every task and every activity in my day. I'll be walking from upstairs to down and forget why I am going. I am losing the ability to tell a story, since I'm usually doing it while driving or between phone calls, or homework and other activities. Another indicator of our state-of-the-art, instant gratification, Blackberry/PDA/online world?? I love my laptop and my internet and reading the blogs, but still worry about the loss of the humanity of life.

Ok, but what did I read?? Well, for anyone interested; I read My Life as A Furry Red Monster by Kevin Clash (he's ELMO!), and the new Jackie Collins novel, to books by Elin Hilderbrand from her "Beach" books: Blue Bistro and The Beach Club. none of them were too heavy, or too serious...but I had a good time. None of them were permission slips or grocery lists, and that was a nice break.

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